- The Harwell Campus Bicycle User’s Group, HarBUG, is a non-profit-making body whose main objective is to make it safer, easier and more commonplace for people to cycle to, from and within the Harwell Campus. We are also dedicated to encouraging the widespread commuting to work by cycling and therefore helping the national agenda of reducing commuting by car, pollution, and encouraging exercise and good health.
- The HarBUG area of interest is that within cycle commuting distance of the Harwell Campus, with priority given to the area known as the Science Vale i.e. the area bounded by Didcot, Abingdon, Wantage and Blewbury.
- Membership shall be open to anyone who is employed by organisations on the Harwell Campus and who supports the aims of the organisation. Membership for anybody who does not work on the Harwell Campus is at the discretion of the HarBUG committee. Registering on the HarBUG website is the requirement for membership of HarBUG.
- The activities of the Group shall be managed by a Committee consisting of, as a minimum, the following officers, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting:
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Vacancies occurring between AGMs may be filled by vote of Members at an Ordinary Meeting. All Members shall be notified of any such change of Officer. The Committee may appoint Members to carry out other specific tasks on its behalf (such as liaising with statutory bodies).
- There shall be at least one General Meeting annually, namely the AGM. Members shall be given 21 days notice of the meeting. A quorum shall be a minimum of ten Members. Non-members will be welcome, but may not vote.
- The Committee shall hold Ordinary Meetings at least quarterly through the year. Any Member may attend. The Committee shall notify Members in advance to invite agenda items, and they shall report results back to the Membership.
- Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer, on a yearly basis. The accounts will be presented once a year, usually at the AGM. The accounts will be available for auditing or inspection if required by sending a request to the treasurer. All payments from the Group accounts shall require the signatures of two Officers.
- Any change to the Constitution can only be accepted if approved by a majority vote of those Members attending a General Meeting. Members shall be given 21 days notice in writing of the proposed changes before the vote.
- If the Group ceases to exist, all assets are to be passed to Sustrans, specifically to benefit the area of interest.
- Data Protection Statement / Privacy Notice:
- Updated May 2018 to conform with the General Data Protection Regulations.
- The data entered to register on the website ( i.e. to become a member) is the only data stored by HarBUG.
- HarBUG will not pass on personal information (name, user name and email address) to any third parties.
- HarBUG reserves the right to use / share other data (campus organisation, cycling in from, cycling frequency and gender) with local government, campus management, other campus organisations and Sustrans to further the aims of HarBUG.
- HarBUG will not sell or disclose this information to any other organisations without a majority vote from the membership at an Ordinary meeting.
- Any member of HarBUG has the right to request to see what data is stored about them. Members can modify these details by logging into the website.
- It is the responsibility of the member to inform HarBUG that they no longer wish to be a member and request that all information about them is deleted.
- HarBUG reserves the right to publish media, (i.e. photos, movie clips, sound clips) taken at HarBUG events, onto the HarBUG website and HarBUG areas on social media sites. Members and other participants can request that media is removed if they are featured in the media. HarBUG will not knowingly publish media featuring anybody under 16 without that permissions from that person’s parent / legal guardian.
- Data is stored on a database provided by the website host company, Krystal Hosting. No data is stored on personal computers. Backups of the site and databases are stored on HarBUG’s Google drive.
- The HarBUG website is built using WordPress and we use security plug-ins to protect the site from data breaches. If a data breach should occur HarBUG will notify it’s members as soon as practicable after the breach has been detected.
- HarBUG uses the bbPress plugin for commenting on posts and as a bulletin board. Follow the link for details on how bbPress uses data entered as comments: WordPress Privacy Policy