Campus has hire bikes for use for getting around. Hiring of a bike is free for 48 hours.
- Download the Donkey Republic app, available for Android and iOS.
- Register with a your campus organisation (work) email address otherwise it won’t make the campus bikes available.
- Enter details for a credit / debit card – you won’t be charged unless you exceed the free 48 hour period.
- Start your rental and end rental at one of the bike a drop-off zones shown on the map below.
Do I need to end my rental if I need to nip into a shop or cafe and use the cycle again afterwards?
No, the app has a separate lock and unlock function, so you can lock the bike go into shop / cafe / meeting and then unlock and carry on riding on the same rental afterwards. Please don’t forget to end the rental after your journey to allow other users to rent the cycle.
I have seen Donkey Republic cycles in Oxford, if we use the Campus cycles can we use the ones in Oxford.
Yes, but you will have to pay for rental. In fact you can hire any public Donkey Republic cycle, available in many European cities, towns and the Cotswolds. You will not be able to use Milton Park cycles.
Do I have to wear a helmet hiring a cycle.
No cycle helmets are not mandatory in the UK, it is your personnal choice / risk. Campus roads are 20mph and there are cycle paths on many main routes.
I am a visiting Scientist staying at Ridgeway House, can I rent the cycles?
Currently finding out.
What if a cycle is damaged or unusable?
Contact Bainton Bikes: Tel: 01865 311610 who also carry out regular maintenance of the cycles.
What if there a problem with booking, renting or ending a rental?
contact Donkey Republic: support@donkeyrepublic.com
Tel: 0808 178 5353